Your homeopath in Durham

Use the power of nature

“I believe that humanity has an uphill battle to wage in its fight to attain real health, and I honestly believe – from hard-earned experience – that homeopathy can offer some solution to this problem.”

– George Vithoulkas –

Homeopathic consultation

The homeopathic consultation is a gentle, yet thorough exploration of your complaints. During the first consultation we shall talk about your symptoms, when they started and whether you noticed any specific patterns about them.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a unique system of alternative medicine that has been in a worldwide use for over 200 years and It has undergone a lot of research and proving like any other system of medicine.

Your homeopath in Durham

Dana Routledge is a qualified homeopath at Northern College of Homeopathic medicine – Gateshead, UK. She is working as a classical homeopath since 2010.

Make an appointment

Dana Routledge, MNCHM, RSHom
Durham DH1 3ET
dpopova.homeopathy @
+44 7957 069 810