Homeopathic consultation & treatment

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The first consultation

The homeopathic consultation is a gentle, yet thorough exploration of your complaints. During the first consultation we shall talk about your symptoms, when they started and whether you noticed any specific patterns about them. In addition I shall ask you about various aspects of your emotional and physical make-up, your medical history and your family’s health. The first consultation usually lasts about hour and a half to two hours. I may ask additional questions that will help me with your prescription. After the consultation I will work on your case and you will receive your remedy within 3-4 days, with full instructions of how to take it.

Follow up appointments

Every patient has to be monitored regularly (every 4-5 weeks) at the beginning of the treatment. Every follow up consultation is usually between 40-60 minutes long and it is to observe the progress of the case and to make sure the best treatment is administrated.

In between the appointments

You are free to call me in between the appointments in the hours showed below about issues related to your treatment.

Homeopathic remedies are usually included in the consultation fee so there will be no extra costs for prescriptions, in some cases there might be some extra charge if more remedies are needed.


First consultation £80

Follow up appointment £60

Booking an appointment:

To book an appointment please check availability first over the phone or e-mail and then pay a non-refundable deposit of £30 to secure your consultation with Paypal or bank transfer.

Duration of the treatment

The duration of the treatment depends on the nature of the disease, the stage of the pathology and the patient`s individual response. Usually the more acute the condition is the quicker the response, the more chronic the longer it takes. The therapeutic result depends on the capacity of the immune system to respond to the highly energized remedy.

Get in touch

Dana Routledge, MNCHM, RSHom
Durham DH1 3ET
+44 7957 069 810
dpopova.homeopathy @ gmail.com

Monday – Friday:
9 am – 5.30 pm

10 am – 12 am