What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a unique system of alternative medicine that has been in a worldwide use for over 200 years and it has undergone a lot of research and proving like any other system of medicine.
It is a safe and effective alternative, where remedies are selected to suit the individual and treat emotional, physical and mental symptoms. It is used in acute and chronic conditions.
Homeopathy treats each person as an individual, as an integration of body, mind and spirit. Homeopathy believes that these three elements of the human being must be treated together in order to achieve any notion of healing, rather than simply treating a person for a specific illness.
There is no medicine for disease. The individual is treated whatever the disease is. One disease can have 10 different drugs and 1 drug can be used for 10 different diseases. There is a total individualization of the disease and every individual is given a medicine on the basis of their personality and complaints.
Through applying the basic homeopathic Principle of Similarity “like cures like” homeopathic medicines are aimed to direct and stimulate the body’s self-regulatory mechanisms in order to allow the body to heal and rebalance. Substances capable of causing disorder in healthy subjects are used as medicines to treat similar patterns of disorder experienced by ill people.
The remedies prescribed by the homeopaths contain no chemicals or toxins. They are purely potencized medicine where there are energy level of the drugs rather than action on a molecular level.
The homeopathic remedies have actual human testings or Provings to explain their action. Each homeopathic remedy has had documented Provings done on humans. Healthy humans agree to take a substance and have their symptoms recorded. This shows also the safety of Homeopathy, when even test subjects suffer no ill effects after the testing is over.
Today new substances go through this process of Proving and added to Homeopathic remedies available and over 3000 homeopathic remedies are in use.
During the first consultation the homeopath needs to find out more about the root of your disease – the early onset of your symptoms, to see where the imbalance is coming from in order to give an appropriate treatment and support the functioning of the organism.
After the first consultation the patient receives a prescription with a homeopathic medicine (remedy), which has to follow strictly. Then every patient is monitored regularly every 4-6 weeks at the beginning of the treatment until more stable improvement takes place. This is essential for achieving some results in the process of treatment.

“I believe that humanity has an uphill battle to wage in its fight to attain real health, and I honestly believe – from hard-earned experience – that homeopathy can offer some solution to this problem.”
– George Vithoulkas –