Why homeopathy?

Home / Why homeopathy?

At least 5 reasons to choose homeopathy as a treatment

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    Homeopathy has an individualistic approach towards you and your complaints

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    Homeopathy is a system of healthcare that provides treatment for physical, mental and emotional ailments

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    Homeopathy is a milder way of treatment comparing to the allopathic conventional medicine, it uses remedies that are non-toxic, non-addictive and contain no chemicals which make them suitable for pregnant women and babies

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    It is a natural way of supporting your body & mind

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    Works for all ages and could be used for various conditions

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    Through matching the remedy picture with the symptoms of illness homeopathy can treat an illness to which there is no known diagnosis

Get in touch

Dana Routledge, MNCHM, RSHom
Durham DH1 3ET
+44 7957 069 810
dpopova.homeopathy @ gmail.com

Monday – Friday:
9 am – 5.30 pm

10 am – 12 am